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To: ANS Members and Friends, The current Federal Government shutdown has resulted in employees at the National Laboratories being placed on furlough. This includes Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Dr. Ed Moses, our planned speaker for our 23 October dinner meeting. This means that travel for these employees is not possible. (Thanks tea party folks...) We have postponed our 23 October meeting until the Federal budget situation is resolved. We will reschedule the meeting and Dr. Moses' talk when the budget is resolved. If the budget situation is resolved quickly, we may be able to reschedule for 30 October. If not, we may have to wait until February to hear this exciting talk. Our plans for a December 4 talk on the Chinese Nuclear Program by Ted Quinn and a January 20 talk on Molten Salt Reactors by Alex DeVolpi remain unchanged. We will be in touch with you as soon as we know anything about the plans for Dr. Moses' talk. Ken Schultz -- Treasurer American Nuclear Society|San Diego Section | ======================================= The posting for the postponed meeting can be found HERE. - Webmaster