San Diego ANS Dinner Meeting
Wednesday, 4 December, 2013

The presentation given at the meeting can be found HERE

Growth of Nuclear Power in China

Presentation by Mr. Ted Quinn - Abstract -
This talk will cover the past, present and future of nuclear energy in China, which is the largest new build nuclear market in the world now and continuing to grow, both in evolutionary and advanced reactors of the light water, liquid metal, and helium cooled designs. The organizations, role in R&D and commercialization as well as challenges will be discussed.
- Speaker Bio -
Mr. Quinn is a recognized authority with over 35 years of utility experience, has authored over 50 papers, and is President of Technology Resources, LLC. He served as ANS President (1998-99) and received the prestigious IEC 1906 Award in 2009 & the ANS Walter Zinn Award in 2011. He currently supports the licensing of the instrumentation and control system delivery for eight new reactors in China. He is well known to the SD-ANS community, and is a member of the SD-ANS Executive Committee. We will be at our usual venue:

The Hungry Hunter Steakhouse 1221 Vista Way (intersection of I-5 and Highway 78) Oceanside, CA 92054-6452 (760) 433-2633

The restaurant offers 4 choices for dinner: beef - salmon - chicken - vegetarian Please indicate your choice in your RSVP Please RSVP Monday, December 2, 2013. Reply via email to

The evening's scheduled events:
No host reception 6:00 PM Dinner 6:45 PM Speaker 7:45 PM to 8:30 PM Q & A 8:30 PM to 8:45 PM

Students Non-Students ========= ============ Members ----------------- $13 $27 Non-Members ------- $18 $32 (Cost includes 2013 dues ($5) after which you are a member.)
Please bring cash or a check; we can't take credit cards.

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